Once, twice in month we will send You info about new products, products on sale and news from Arduino and DIY world.
This Miniature Sewable Coin Cell Holder has large connection points for the conductive thread. These are clearly marked to show the battery polarity.
Easy access to microbit IO in :MOVE buggy
Female 2x20 connector, THT
Give some food for your crocodiles!
Proto shield for Wemos D1 mini
Yihua 959D-I Hot Air Rework Station
Simple charger with protection IC
High quality, round IPS display with integrated ESP32 and driver
Electrect microphone + standoff
Arduino Nano clone, USB-C, soldered
Nano V3 - soldered, ready to work. Arduino Nano v3 clone, uses ATmega328.
This miniature development board is also known as ESP32 MiniKit.
WiFi module with ESP8266-12F. Easy programming via USB.
Simple BH1750 mounting in NAM case
Universal OLED display with sharp and bright pixels.
D-Link or TP link branded power supply - ideal for Nettigo Air Monitor 0.4 (not for 0.3!)
Large 868 Mhz antenna for LoRa modules
Kti to solder, audio module for Teensy 3.x/4.x
LED Display, 7 Segment, Red, 13.2 mm, common anode
MakerBeam XL - black, anodized, 1 piece 360 mm
LED matrix (8x8) with MAX7219 controller. Kit to solder.
Cable 26AWG, 2 wires, 18 cm, XH2.54 connector
Developer board with ESP32-S and integrated OV2640 camera. With USB/Serial module.
Simple proximity magnetic sensor with case to mount on window/door
EEPROM 512 x 8 bits, SPI
Small, yet effective ozon (O3) sensor.
Driver for 7seg LED displays
Small but practice. Module for remotely control RGB LED (WS2812 family) using ESP01
LED Display, 7 Segment, Green, 14.2 mm, common anode
Small, yet useful LoRaWAN indoor gateway.
Once, twice in month we will send You info about new products, products on sale and news from Arduino and DIY world.